
Precautions for PVC waterproof rolling material

Maybe you are just a baby eagle, but as long as the heart lofty, fell several somersaults. Will fly in the sky. Xiaobian for you to share is about the use of PVC waterproof rolling material in the process of attention, I hope you can seriously understand, in the production of these situations can be timely processing.

1. When paving PVC waterproof rolling material, attention should be paid to the construction environment temperature, and the temperature of rolling material should be above -5℃. When using the full adhesive method, the temperature of the coil can only be above 5℃.

2. When laying PVC waterproof rolling material, the main part should be additional layer.

3, pay attention to the construction protection, the end of the daily construction should be temporary fixed coil, so as not to be blown by the wind.

4, waterproof layer construction should be carried out after the end of the last process, not cross construction. If the equipment needs to be installed on the roof with waterproof rolling material laid, it should be treated as an additional layer at the base of the equipment. If it needs to build a high type house on the waterproof layer, it should be carried out after passing the acceptance of the waterproof layer.


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